mardi 29 mars 2011

PostDoc at l'ULB

Discourse analysis and international relations (Brussels)

Call for application:

Two-years post-doc fellowship "The EU as Global Discursive Actor" at the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). This fellowship is part of a broader EU FP7 funded project entitled "Global Re-ordering: Evolution Through European Networks" (GR:EEN).

Deadline for application: May 1st 2011.


1. To research and draft work to publishable standard, and to deliver findings at seminars, workshops and conferences

2. Organize a series of international scientific workshops on specific topics lying within the research agenda associated with this call

3. Organize and Develop a Case study Integrated Forum (CSIF) – a research and dissemination platform aimed at confronting the research and policy making communities involved in the topics covered by the research agenda associated with this call

4. To assist in the development and promotion of PhD programmes in this area through teaching, tutoring and programme development in the broad areas of International Relations and International Political Economy/and EU Studies

5. To help facilitate international linkages and partnerships in particular, and further the Institute’s Internationalization in general

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